Office Mission
The Office of Residential Life provides a dynamic student-centered experience and housing facilities. The ResLife staff tracks the timeline of student growth and maturity, from first-year through graduate studies, and tailors support, referral and programmatic efforts to ensure a holistic residential experience. Through targeted outreach and services, the Office of Residential Life aims to develop leadership qualities, academic success, global compassion, community service, and students' cross-cultural competence.
A Transformative Experience
The Office of Residential Life provides a dynamic, student-centered experience and a variety of accommodation styles. We, at the Office of Residential Life, tailor programming for different phases of the academic cycle and student growth, from first-year through graduate studies, and offer support and referrals to ensure a holistic residential experience. Study abroad and exchange program students, too, are welcomed and integrated into the living-learning community. Through targeted outreach and services, the Office of Residential Life aims to develop leadership qualities, academic success, global compassion, community service, and cross-cultural competence. A team of nearly 50 full-time professional and paraprofessional staff members ensures the orderly operation of AUC's student residence halls both on and near campus in New Cairo.